Arts behandeld meisje die bij vader ligt op ziekenhuisbed in Jemen


Kinderen bij jerrycans in Tsjaad
© Rene van Beek

For donors

Complaints, suggestions and comments from our donors and other interested parties are of course always welcome. You can contact us by telephone, e-mail or post:

  • Phone number: 070 346 89 46
  • Post: Stichting Vluchteling
    Laan van Nieuw Oost Indie 131-M
    2593 BM The Hague
    The Netherlands
Vier kinderen zitten op uitkijkpunt en kijken uit over vluchtelingenkamp in Tsjaad

Alerts regarding integrity

Do you have a complaint regarding integrity and our humanitarian aid response? Please inform us immediately so we can act as quickly and adequately as possible to put measures in place to stop it from happening and prevent it in the future.

Stichting Vluchteling